

Ways to Increase the Weight of Your Baby

As a devoted and caring mother, sustaining your child’s healthy growth and development is your first concern and an indispensable piece of your life as part of your parenthood journey. While guaranteeing proper nourishment and weight gain is a typical worry for some moms, understanding the subtleties between healthy and unhealthy practices is vital. This guide is intended to provide you with an extensive comprehension of the best ways to promote healthy weight gain in your child, while likewise featuring the potential risks related to unhealthy approaches.


Healthy Ways For Baby’s Weight Gain

Giving Them Superfoods Nourishment

Good nutrition establishes the base for a child’s healthy weight gain. Embrace the rich Tanzanian culinary legacy by integrating locally accessible nutrient powerhouses like finger millet, sorghum, and a variety of legumes into your baby’s daily diet. These food sources are plentiful in energy as well as loaded with fundamental vitamins and minerals pivotal for your baby’s healthy development. Integrating these food sources into the child’s eating regimen, through custom-made porridges can give a significant lift to their nutritional intake and weight gain.

Breastfeeding is Ideal

Breast milk is nature’s ideal nourishment for newborn children. It not only gives optimal nutrition for a child’s sound development but on the other hand is a wellspring of fundamental antibodies that reinforce your child’s insusceptibility against common sicknesses. Exclusive breastfeeding for the initial half year followed by continued breastfeeding along with complementary foods is a demonstrated method for guaranteeing healthy weight gain. Encouraging this practice in Tanzania and motivating moms to do so is a significant concern. 

Trying Diverse Complementary Foods

Presenting complementary foods at the right time is a critical stage in a baby’s development, particularly for weight gain. In Tanzanian families, integrating various locally sourced organic products including fruits, vegetables, and grains into your baby’s eating regimen to guarantee a balanced nutritional intake must be fundamental for improving their health and well-being. Tanzanian staples like bananas, yams, and green leafy vegetables can be significant in promoting sound weight gain. Notwithstanding, it’s vital to work out some kind of balance and stay away from unnecessary dependence on processed or sugary food varieties, which can prompt unhealthy weight gain and related unexpected health problems. 

Go for 100% unprocessed and natural products such as supaOATS flour with added almonds and cashews which you can easily find here.  

Regular Health Check-ups

Focus on it to routinely visit medical care experts. Pediatricians and nutritionists can give customized advice and monitor your child’s development, guaranteeing that any nourishing lacks or developmental worries are tended to speedily.

Encouraging Holistic Well-being

Healthy weight gain ought not be the sole goal; holistic well-being is similarly significant. Encouraging physical activity appropriate for the baby’s age and developmental stage can enhance healthy growth and development. Moreover, underlining the significance of a sustaining and cherishing environment for the baby’s emotional and mental development can further add to their general well-being and healthy weight promotion.


Unhealthy Ways Moms Use for Baby’s Weight Gain

Chasing increasing a baby’s weight, a few moms could fall back on unhealthy practices, and teaching moms about their dangers is indispensable to guarantee the long-term well-being of their infants. Peruse on to know some of these unhealthy practices.

OverFeeding the Baby

Stay away from the impulse to overload your baby in a bid to speed up weight gain. Overeating can prompt an imbalance in the baby’s nutrient consumption, possibly bringing about obesity and related health risks further down the road.

Untimely Presentation of Solid Food Sources

Avoid presenting solid food varieties too soon in your baby’s life. Untimely introduction to solid food varieties can not only strain the stomach but the whole digestive system and may prompt sensitivities or other unexpected health issues, obstructing healthy weight gain. Clues that tell you when to introduce solid foods to your baby must be known and implemented.

Too Much Dependence on Processed Food Sources

Avoid depending intensely on processed or sweet food sources. While these may cause a brief weight gain, they can present long-haul health risks, including poor nutrition and an inclination to different other health ailments. 


Some Associated Risks with Unhealthy Practices

Imbalanced Diet

Unhealthy feeding practices can prompt a lack of fundamental nutrients, thwarting your baby’s development and leaving them defenseless to developmental disorders and illnesses with this weakened immunity.

Long-term Health issues

Overindulgence in unhealthy food varieties can make the platform for severe medical problems like diabetes, coronary illness, and obesity, making way for a difficult well-being venture from here on out.

Allergic Responses and Stomach-Related Issues

Presenting inappropriate or allergenic food sources prematurely can set off adverse responses, going from mild allergies to serious digestion-related unsettling influences, impeding your baby’s capacity to put on weight.

Ideas for Some Healthy Recipes:

A few recipes that utilize commonly available Tanzanian ingredients can be:

Banana and Peanut Butter Porridge

Mix the mashed ripe bananas in with a spoonful of homemade peanut butter and a modest quantity of milk. Mix well until it frames a smooth porridge. Add a pinch of cinnamon for additional flavor. This recipe is rich in healthy fats, protein, and carbs.

Cassava and Beans Stew

Boil cassava until delicate, then sauté with cooked kidney beans, onions, tomatoes, and garlic. Add coconut milk and cook until it thickens into a stew-like consistency. This dish gives a great balance of carbs and protein fundamental for healthy weight gain.

Sorghum and Vegetable Mash

Combine cooked sorghum with a variety of steamed mixed vegetables, adding vegetable stock and a hint of olive oil for moisture. Mash the combination to make a finished and nutrient-dense feast for your baby.

Papaya and Yogurt Delight

Blend plain yogurt with ripe papaya until smooth. Add a drizzle of honey for pleasantness if wanted. This straightforward and nutritious sweet is plentiful in vitamins and probiotics, helping with digestion and enhancing healthy weight gain.

Yam and Banana Mash

Boil yams until tender, then, at that point, mash them with ripe bananas. This sweet and velvety mash is plentiful in carbs, vitamins, and minerals, giving an ideal energy-stuffed dinner for your baby’s healthy development.

Millet and Legume Porridge

Join finger millet flour with boiled and crushed kidney beans or cowpeas to make a nutrient-rich porridge. Add a dash of coconut milk for added flavor and richness. This porridge is loaded with protein, iron, and other fundamental nutrients urgent for healthy weight gain.

These recipes center around utilizing ingredients normally found in Tanzania, guaranteeing that moms can without much of a stretch access and set up these nutrient-rich meals for their babies. Continuously consider any sensitivities or dietary restrictions your baby might have before presenting new food varieties.

For your convenience, lishe360 has a range of healthy products, smoothies, and recipes for your baby’s weight gain, you can find on this instagram page


Best Course of Action to Take:

Community Awareness Projects

Participate in community-based awareness programs that feature the meaning of a balanced eating regimen and the risks related to unhealthy feeding practices. Work cooperatively to disperse data on nutrition, growth monitoring, and the significance of holistic well-being.

Cultural Integration

Tanzanian culture frequently plays a huge part in forming dietary practices. While cultural foods can be useful for a baby’s development, guaranteeing a balanced and diverse diet that meets the child’s healthful requirements is urgent. Sometimes some Tanzanian beliefs or customs could advocate practices that are not helpful for healthy weight gain. Sensitizing families and especially mothers about the significance of evidence-based nutritional practices can assist with overcoming any barrier between cultural norms and optimal infant nutrition. 

Backing for Balanced Nutrition

As it is a critical point, it needs to be given its due importance. Advocate for strategies that underscore the significance of balanced nutrition in early childhood development and optimal weight gain. Urge local authorities to focus on drives that help moms give balanced and culturally appropriate diets for their babies.

Regular Consultation with Medical Care Experts

Encourage a culture of looking for personalized counsel from medical care experts, for example, pediatricians and nutritionists as they act as important assets for moms looking for direction on their baby’s weight gain. Regular check-ups and growth monitoring ensure that your baby’s dietary requirements are met properly at each progressive phase. This will likewise help in distinguishing any underlying issues and guarantee timely intervention. 


Working for healthy weight gain in Tanzanian and East African babies requires an all-encompassing approach that coordinates multiple factors including culturally relevant nutrition, proactive medical practices, balanced feeding, and a sharp awareness of the potential dangers related to unhealthy practices. By being aware of all this, you can guarantee that your baby thrives in their early years with ideal weight gain, setting the base for a healthy and prosperous future. 

Check out this class to get all the research-based information you need to grow your baby stress-free. You will have cookbooks for your baby’s meals, different recipes of healthy weight gain smoothies, guidance from health professionals, and coordination with other parents too to know their experience. 

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