
About Us

Our Roots

This all began with a simple observation at home. My sister, who was a new mom, was struggling to feed her baby, Rahma. I wanted to help, so I started searching for advice online. Fortunately, I found good and useful information that made a real difference.

This experience inspired me to think about how I could help more parents facing a similar issue and make a living at the same time. That’s how our journey started.

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Baby Rahma, the spark that led to the founding of Lishe360
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With Zakayo, our COO, in the early days of Lishe360 then known as Jua Lishe Bora

Our Journey

We started small with a Facebook page we called “Jua Lishe Bora” (Know Good Nutrition). We reshared tips about baby and toddler food and health in the Swahili language, making sure they were easy to understand. As more people joined us, we began offering online classes to parents with young kids.

We worked hard every day because we cared about making life better for families. Our goal was clear: to help parents to feed their babies as healthily as possible. That’s why we became Lishe360, to cover all aspects of nutrition for young kids and eventually expecting and breastfeeding moms.

Our Impact

As time passed, we started offering healthy food products and more online classes. We now have a big online community with over 150,000 people. We’ve helped more than 7,000 parents feed their children better through our online classes, and we have sold over 15,000 units of our food products. But we know there’s still a lot to do.

In Tanzania, 40% of deaths of children under 5 are because of malnutrition. Our mission is to change that. We also want to help moms too because their health is essential for their kids. We dream of a future where there is no child suffering and dying because they don’t have proper food. These little ones are our hope for a better Tanzania, Africa and the world, and we want to be part of that hope.

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In one of our community outreach visits at a Dar toddler day care
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Our aim is to impact young children and their mothers all over Africa

Our Future

We want a world where no child has to struggle due to malnutrition, where moms and dads don’t have to worry if their kids are eating right. We want to make sure that kids have all they need to grow up healthy and strong. In Tanzania and by extension Africa, too many children are not getting the right food, and this needs to change.

We believe in a future where children grow up healthy, strong and with smiles on their faces, and parents have the support they need. We’re working hard to achieve this vision. Let’s join together in our journey to make this potential massive impact become a reality.

Simon Mbangalukela

CEO and Co-Founder, Lishe360

Online Community
Healthier and Stronger Babies
Parents Empowered via Classes

Our Mission

To empower parents and caregivers with easily accessible and relevant nutrition education and healthy and nutritious food products for their little ones.

Our Vision

A future where no child suffers from malnutrition. We aim to be the leading organization in providing families with the knowledge and food products they need to make sure their children thrive.